Exactly one month after I lost my grandpa was Best Damn Race Orlando. It came at the perfect time and was exactly where I needed to be. In my happy place.
My sole sister Jenn showed up the night before and we did what we always do, enjoyed some amazing food while catching up. I always love catching up with her and I was glad that this was the first of two times I’d get to see her this month. Awesome right?
For Best Damn Race Orlando we were once again doing the challenge. First you run the 10k race, then the 5k race. It works out perfectly because even with how slow I am we still have time to enjoy a beer with friends before heading back out for race number 2.
Before the races were had time to meet up with some of our fellow BDR ambassadors and friends for some pictures. It is amazing how many people I get to see at this race. I always feel like I’m in my element as I walk around and hear “Hey Meghan!” coming from different directions. I love the running community so much! I’ve met so many wonderful people that I otherwise probably wouldn’t know.
After our pictures we lost some layers (it was a little cold by Florida standards the morning of the race) and headed to the corral. The 10k race went a little better than I anticipated. Jenn always keeps me on track, even when I don’t wanna stay on track. She’s such a nice motivator. Not one of those mean ones. We stuck to our usual intervals for probably the first half of the race. After that we used the “sign method” of running. “Okay Jenn, I’m gonna run to the next stop sign…” or “Okay Meghan, at that next orange barrel we are gonna start running again.” Sometimes I feel like a little kid…. “Just two more bites of your veggies!” Regardless, it got us to the finish line and it was even a little faster then the last 10k we did in January.
Before the 5k we were able to enjoy a tasty adult beverage and catch up with some friends, which is definitely one of the best things about BDR. We met up with another of Jenn’s friends from St Augustine and headed back to the corrals for race number 2. Unfortunately my various body parts were NOT interested in another 3.1 miles. Like, at all. About a mile into the race the pain in my foot took over and shortly there after I couldn’t feel the right side of my foot. Fantastic. So the sign method started up once again. I told the girls they could go on ahead without me, but of course they stayed. Thanks ladies!
Once across the finish line we collected our 5k medal, got our bags, collected our challenge medal, and went straight for the beer tent! Post-BDR is so much fun – food, drinks, and friends. What else can you ask for on a Saturday morning? We enjoyed our beer, met up with more friends, and took more pictures. Finally the 9.3 miles caught up with us and we knew it was time for breakfast.
After saying good bye to everyone we headed to Se7en Bites for an amazing calorie filled breakfast. I love Se7en Bites but usually only go after BDR because this food is packed full of southern calories. But I just did 9.3 miles so its okay right?
This was my last BDR race of the season as I won’t be heading to NOLA at the end of the month (insert sad face here). Only 9 more months until next season!
*Disclosure: As a BDR ambassador I receive various perks. As always, all thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.