My 1/2 Marathon Goal Race: Publix Savannah Women’s Half Marathon

When I started 2017 I was excited about signing up for races, but doing a half marathon was not at the top of that list. I knew I would do another one (or more) in 2017, but I just couldn’t get myself to sign up for one. But I knew that I needed a “goal race” for the spring to keep me on track and motivated. Since I’m an ambassador for the Publix Savannah Women’s Half Marathon I decided that would be my goal race for the spring.

My 1/2 Marathon Goal Race: Publix Savannah Women's Half Marathon

The race is at the beginning of April which would give me a little over three months to prepare and get ready. Great right? Unfortunately January really has been a wash as far of running and training has gone. But starting this week I’ve got 10 weeks to prepare and I plan to make the most of it.

I’ve never been great with training plans, which I’ve shared before, but I’ve REALLY going to try and stick with a 10 week training plan. I probably won’t end up with a PR for this race, but I would really like to feel more prepared going into the race than I have for the last few.

My 1/2 Marathon Goal Race: Publix Savannah Women's Half Marathon

I’m a fan of running three days a week so I decided to go with Jeff Galloway’s half marathon training plan. It gives me two short runs during the week (one of which falls on the same day as Ten10 Run Club) and one longer run on the weekend. I really feel like this is a reasonable plan and one that I can stick to for the next 10 weeks.

My 1/2 Marathon Goal Race: Publix Savannah Women's Half Marathon

Do you wanna join me in Savannah for my goal race? You still have time to sign up for the Publix Savannah Women’s Half Marathon (or 5k) and save $10 with code MOTM!



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