Mister Pumpkin Head

Last weekend my mom and I decided to have a crafty day. We were wanting to make a ghost costume for her gardengoyle (he’s a gargoyle that lives in her from flower bed that we have taken to dressing up for all the holidays) but realized that we didn’t have any white fabric. So we headed to the craft stores in search of white fabric and some supplies for making her dog a festive collar. We got our white fabric and doggie collar supplies but never made it around to working on either of those projects. Because of this guy.

We saw him hanging out in the floral department at Michael’s. He was one of those premade decorations that the floral department makes that you can buy. This pumpkin head was on a stick and was meant to go by your front door or in a flower bed. We were in love with him. Next thing I knew we were loading up our carts with supplies to make him. Our supplies only ended up costing slightly less than the finished product, but my mom and I had our own ideas about how we wanted ours to look. First off, I got an orange pumpkin while my mom got a white one. Plus making our own would be WAY more fun than just buying one.

We ended up spending the rest of the afternoon, and part of the evening, working on our creations. We shared some of the supplies and used things from my mom’s stash. BOY is it crazy how different our pumpkin heads turned out. This is my mom’s.

Isn’t he awesome? As my mom says she just “can’t stop.” Meaning that even when you THINK she’s done, she finds something else to add. Whereas I get to a point and I’m like “okay, I’m done. Nothing more to see here.”

This is my pumpkin head. I got my mom and I both a set of these killer legs last year after Halloween. It is actually a stand to put your pumpkin on. As soon as I was done with my pumpkin head I ran out into the garage to grab the stand. I love how it looks so much that I’m not sure he’ll ever end up on the dowel I bought. Or outside for that matter.

I actually did end up adding one thing to mine after the picture was taken… bright green wiggly eyes. I bought a bag of colored wiggly eyes because I’d seen multiple projects on pinterest with them. When I refound the bag when we were cleaning up my mom and I decided that I just HAD to put a pair on my pumpkin. You’ll have to trust me that they look amazing.

We had a great time working on our pumpkin heads. It was great just having a mom & Meg crafty day. We hadn’t done that in a long time. I think it was just the reboot that my creativity needed. Now I just have to decide what Halloween project to work on next!



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