When it comes to exercising, you can’t go wrong with beer and running on a weeknight! Since I’ve gotten back to running I’ve also been getting back to some of the local run clubs. My favorites are Ten10 Run Club on Tuesday nights and Running For Brews (RFB) on Wednesday nights. Even though neither of these are particularly close to my house, it is worth it to me to drive a little bit to get in some miles and beer with friends.

Ten10 Run Club is the first run club I was ever a part of. They run at 6:45 pm on Tuesday nights starting at Ten10 Brewing. There are a few distances available to run, starting at 2 miles and going up to 7. On any given Tuesday you can find at least one other person that is running the distance you want to cover.

They do monthly raffles and hold charity nights as well. And one of the best perks is that Ten10 gives runners happy hour pricing on their beers all night. Its great for runners, but not so great for those people that randomly show up on a Tuesday and encounter a brewery full of stinky runners.
Some of my friends from Ten10 Run Club introduced me to RFB. They run at 7 pm on Wednesday starting at Graffiti Junction in Thornton Park. All levels of runners and walkers are welcome and you can choose from a 1 mile, 2 mile, or 3.1 mile course. Afterwards Michelob Ultra offers a “Runners Only” special: $5 personal pitchers.

RFB does their fair share of fun activities throughout the year as well. This week they are having their Annual Scavenger Hunt. Teams of 3-5 people are given clues and spend an hour running around Thornton Park trying to get as many points as possible. How fun is that?
If you are a runner and haven’t checked out one of the local run clubs, I recommend checking out of these two. They are fun groups of people and its a great way to change things up when it comes to running. Plus it is always nice to hang out with friends and drink beer on a weeknight.