I’m Officially a Foster Failure – The Story of Thea

Since I started working from home last year, I’ve thought a lot about getting another dog or even fostering. Finally last month I decided it was time and offered to foster a 2-month-old puppy. I had never fostered before or had a puppy that young, but I figured I could handle it for 2 weeks. Right?

I'm Officially a Foster Failure - The Story of Thea

On the morning of March 12th, I went to the Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando to pick up 2-month-old Thea for her 2 week stay with me. All I knew was that she had a skin infection that required medicine and medicated baths, so she needed somewhere to stay for a bit. Oh, and her and her two brothers came here from Puerto Rico. They gave me everything I would need for her stay and next thing I knew I had a baby puppy in my arms. Oh man.

I'm Officially a Foster Failure - The Story of Thea

Over the next 10 days we spent a LOT of time together and I got used to having a dog again. I went back and forth between totally wanting to keep her and knowing that it may not be the best time. I just couldn’t land on a decision. Part of me knew with everything going on in my life right now that she would be a wonderful distraction, but the other part of me worried that with everything going on in my life that it may not work. As each day passed I talked to friends and family trying to figure out what I should do and I got nowhere. Finally on the Friday before I was supposed to bring her in for her checkup I reached out to the rescue to see what would happen when I brought her in.

I'm Officially a Foster Failure - The Story of Thea

I was told that if the vet cleared her for adoption, then I would either need to leave her there to be adopted or adopt her myself. Holy hell. I knew I had a lot of thinking to do over the weekend. And over the weekend something happened that finally made my decision VERY easy for me. Two days before I was to bring her in for her checkup my family had a REALLY bad day. REALLY bad. I won’t get into it, but it was a royal mess. By that evening one thing was clear, I never would have made it through the day if Thea hadn’t been there with me. She was my savior that day. By Monday morning I had decided that she was staying with me no matter what.

I'm Officially a Foster Failure - The Story of Thea

The next few days were a total blur. Tuesday she had her checkup, Thursday she got fixed, and I spent lots of time getting everything I needed to care for her and get my house ready. It had been almost 6 years since I lost my dog Pepper, so I really didn’t have any dog stuff anymore. I had a dog dish and that was pretty much it. I spent loads of time on Amazon and Chewy.com trying to figure out what I needed to buy, who had the best prices, and who could get it to me the fastest. I had about 2 days to get everything ready so that when I picked her up on Thursday I would be prepared.

I'm Officially a Foster Failure - The Story of Thea

I picked her up that afternoon after her surgery and did all the official adoption paperwork. On March 25th, Theadora Twinkle Toes was officially my dog. Holy heck, I have a dog!! I have a PUPPY!

It hasn’t been all sunshine and roses in the 2.5 weeks since I adopted her, but it has been pretty amazing. Potty training is no joke people!! But Thea is totally comfortable here and we have become fast friends. She loves sitting in my lap while I work, loves to lay in the sun and eat leaves, eats way too fast and gives herself hiccups, made fast friends with my parent’s dogs (at least Lucy), is super snuggly, can’t get on the couch yet, her legs are too long for her body, and hates my hairbrush.

I'm Officially a Foster Failure - The Story of Thea

Everyone that has met her, and even folks who haven’t, have fallen in love with her. Don’t be surprised if there ends up being a lot of dog content on here now. Do you have any idea how much dog stuff has changed in the last 6 years?? It is crazy all the new stuff there is (some of which I will be sharing with you soon). So there ya have it, I got a puppy and I’m absolutely in love. 🧡

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