Have you seen my motivation? I seem to have misplaced it

Two weeks ago I started my second attempt at 6 goals in 6 weeks. I was SO excited for this to begin because this go round I was adding a 6 week 1/2 marathon training plan to my list of goals. This would take me right up to my first 1/2 marathon of the season on October 26th. Great plan right? Except it hasn’t gone very well. I seem to have misplaced any and all motivation. And honestly, its pissing me off.

1/2 Marathon Training Schedule #sweatpink #fitfluential

I’m a lot busier than I was the last time I did 6 goals in 6 weeks. Between the blog, my friends, Yelp events, work, and life in general I am just keeping busy. I made sure to schedule my runs so that I could get everything done. But it seems like every time I go to run its just not happening. Most of the runs I have gotten in were because they were an event that I’d already committed to. When I try to just lace up and head out that motivation I need just isn’t there. I just don’t get it.

I love running and I want to do more of it now that all my body parts are cooperating. I’m excited about the packed fall/winter race season I have lined up and want to make sure that I don’t crash and burn. So what is my problem?

Celebration of Running 5k Fit2Run Ambassadors Best Damn Race

I know that each new day is a new opportunity to get on the right track. I know that I can find an hour to squeeze in a run twice a week. I know that running is good for me and will help balance out those weeks when I eat out a little more than I should. And I KNOW that I’m a much happier and pleasant Meghan when I’m running regularly.

So what gives?

I wish I knew. I wish I had a simple answer to my current problem, but I don’t. This week I only have one event on my schedule and I plan to keep it that way. If staying home every night is what it takes to get me back on track then that is what I’m going to do. I added an extra day of running in to make up for one that I missed last week. I plan to go to yoga tonight and get my body stretched out and my mind centered. I plan to make good use of the freezer full of fish from SizzleFish that I currently have and eat healthier this week.

Will this work? Will I get those runs in? Will I eat at home? Will I keep my schedule “empty?” I’m not sure, but I’m gonna give it a shot and see what happens.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to get myself motivated again and back to my happy place?

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  1. Karen says:

    I’ve noticed that my motivation parallels with how active I am. I’m still working on that Fear of Missing Out post, but I’ve noticed that with my job, I want to do EVERYTHING! I see you doing X, and I wanna be there, too.. I see Susie doing Y, and I think Why not, I can do that too. Sometimes we try too hard to do too much, and it takes getting overwhelmed to force us to stop. Granted being in a funk isn’t a happy time, but it could be an opportunity to reevaluate how much you are doing. It’s great that your body is back and working with you, but don’t over work yourself. I’m cheering for you! <3

    • Meghan says:

      Thanks hun 🙂 I’m hoping this “slow week” will get me back on track with everything. I brought my running clothes so I can head out right after work today!

  2. Diana says:

    Sorry you’re in a funk Meghan. It happens to all of us. I think slowing down and figuring out what you want your priorities to be is important. Sometimes we can get so busy that we put some things on the back burner that we really don’t want to. Use this slow week as a way to recharge.

    • Meghan says:

      Thanks Diana! I actually went for a short run yesterday, so that did make me feel better. Hopefully it will help me get back on track this week 🙂

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