Tomorrow I will be running half marathon #5!
When I started running I had no idea if I would make it past 1 half marathon. But less than 2 years later I am running #5 and I have #6, 7, and 8 already on the schedule. How did this happen? I’m fairly certain I’m crazy. Or “half crazy” as they like to say.
I won’t hesitate to say that I am NOT as prepared for this race as I should be. After my half in July I knew that I wanted to sign up for another race before my half in February. I decided on this particular race because it was 5 months away (giving me plenty of time to prepare – ha!) and it was 2 months before my first race of 2014. Sounds reasonable right? Well throw in a lack of motivation, 2 nasty colds, and my hip acting up and things really didn’t go as planned. But I refuse to give up!
When I found out that a new friend was one of the pacers (they keep you, and a group of other runners, on track to finish in a certain amount of time) for this race I knew what I had to do. Sign up for her pace group so that I wouldn’t be a super slacker! She is the pacer for the 2:45 group. It is the “slowest” and last group to even have a pacer for this race. What is so special about the 2:45 group? Well, if I can actually keep up I will PR (personal record) this race. It would become my fastest half marathon EVER.
Do I actually think I’m gonna hit that PR? Nope. But I sure am gonna try. Sticking with the pace group will keep me motivated, on track, and hopefully across the finish line in time for that PR. But mainly I just want to finish with a smile on my face and before the temp hits its high of 83 🙂
Bring on half marathon #5!!