Cute as a Button is BACK

Some of you may remember last fall when I opened my Etsy shop, Cute as a Button. Unfortunately I didn’t make any sales and a few months later I closed up shop. Fast forward to this fall…

About a month ago my best friend, who owns and operates Cupping Cakes in Tampa, contacting me about an idea she had. She wanted to sell Cupping Cakes gift certificates for the holiday and wanted to include one of my cupcake ornaments with them. Cool idea huh? Since she was going to be offering my ornaments I figured that I should probably reopen my store. Which lead to me reactivating the Cute as a Button facebook page. I really only did it so that there was a landing place in case anyone ended up with my ornaments and wondered where they came from.

Then last week something pretty amazing happened. I had just finished a 3 mile walk with a friend of mine and was stopping my Nike+ running app when I noticed I had a couple of emails. My plan was to just clear them out but then I noticed a payment email from Paypal. Huh? Why would someone be sending me money via Paypal? I almost deleted it because I thought it was spam, but something stopped me. When I opened the email I realized it was an Etsy payment…. someone had bought a set of my ornaments. I was so freaking excited that I just started dancing around on the side of the road. I immediately texted my best friend to tell her about it… and how I didn’t have any ornaments because I gave all the ones I had to her! Oops!

Thankfully I had enough supplies at home to be able to make the 4 ornaments that the person had ordered. I was heading to my mom’s the following day for the weekend so I had to get them done right away so that I would be able to mail them out on Monday. I finished the ornaments on Friday before I left, bought a cute tin to put them in, found a box at my mom’s that they would fit in, and mailed them out on Sunday night. I ended up paying for a more expensive shipping method because I knew the lady wanted them for her own tree, but I still made a profit. Mainly I was just super excited that I’d actually sold a set.

I plan to add some more items to the store over the next few weeks, but probably not in time for them to end up on or under anyone’s Christmas trees. So keep an eye out for some new products in my store 🙂

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