Coronavirus Pandemic – 8 weeks

2 months. We’ve been living in this weird version of our world for 2 months now.

Yes, I made a flamingo facemask. If I’m going to have to wear one anytime I leave the house I’m at least going to wear a cute one!

I stayed with my parents until Friday and then headed home. I hated to leave them, but it was time to get back to my home for a bit. Mother’s day is a little over 2 weeks after I left there, so I’m making sure I stay home so that I can go back over for that. I can’t take my momma anywhere, but at least we can spend time together and maybe order some Olive Garden takeout.

I had grand plans for the weekend but that didn’t really pan out as I hoped. Oops. On Saturday my friends stopped by unexpectedly for a little driveway visit. They also brought me some Rose and some cute flamingo glasses! It was so nice to see them and I enjoyed the surprise, My bestie also sent me a “nug hug” from Wendy’s that day, so it was a yummy day for sure! Sunday I ended up not sleeping well and spent most of the day on the couch. It was a bit frustrating. I had really wanted to get a couple of things done. Oh well, at least I have clean clothes and dishes.

Some places are starting to reopen and that scares me a little. Yes, I want to get back to “normal,” but I also don’t want it to happen too soon and cause more problems down the line. With tomorrow being the end of the stay at home order for Florida, I suspect that some things will start reopening here. The governor seems to be deadset on this happening, but thankfully he’s opened up a public comment form to goes to the task force in charge of making these decisions. Saturday night I filled it out and let them know my thoughts on everything and hopefully other Florida residents will do the same.

I’ve been trying to be a little more active this week. Yesterday I did some yoga to start my day. Today I did a virtual 2 mile power walk with a friend and then came home and did some more yoga. It was a nice way to start the day and now I’m feeling a bit more energized. I hope that I can stick with it! I know it should be “easy” since I’m home all the time right now, but somedays it is just hard to get motivated. And then there is the fear. I live in a suburb, so usually if I go for a walk or run I don’t see other people. But this morning a lady ended up in front of me on the second half of my walk. I immediately slowed down and made sure that I was more than 6 feet behind her. But then I started worrying about if she coughed or sneezed… was the wind blowing in my direction? How do I know she’s not sick? I HATED that I was thinking all that, but it is the way of the world right now. Thankfully she turned not long after that and I was able to calmly enjoy the rest of my walk.

This week the urge to travel has really hit. For the most part, other than missing my trip to Atlanta, I’ve been okay with not traveling anywhere. With starting the new job I was okay with not spending the extra money. But now I just want to get in the car, or on a plane, and just go somewhere! But where would I go? Who knows, I just know I’d go if I could.

Where is the first place you want to travel when it’s safe?

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