Well friends, here we are FINALLY in 2021 and in-person races are still up in the air. As much as we all want to get back to it, we still want to make sure that we are as safe as possible. The folks at Best Damn Race feel the same way, so they are moving around their races and making some adjustments this year so that they can keep everyone safe AND provide the BEST DAMN RACES they possibly can!

New to Best Damn Race? Best Damn Race is a running series created for runners by runners. Their goal is to provide a big race experience at a local race price. It doesn’t matter if you are an elite runner, first timer, walker, or using a baby jogger, they want you to have the best DAMN race experience. As an ambassador for this series, I can honestly tell you that they deliver the best DAMN race!
Their unique registration process allows all participants the opportunity to register for low prices on a first come, first served basis. This gives all athletes an opportunity to race regardless of income level. For example, the 5K starts out with the price of $15 and stays at that price for the first 200 who register. Why pay $75 for a 5K when you can run the Best Damn 5K for as little as $15 or as much as $40?

If you’ve been reading MOTM for more than 5 minutes you’d know that I’ve been an ambassador for the Best Damn Race series since the beginning and the races just keep getting better. Things may look a little different this year, but the BDR team is doing their best to keep things moving forward in 2021! Here’s what you have to look forward to:
New Orleans, LA – Virtual ONLY
Orlando, FL – September 25, 2021
The 5k, 10k, Challenge, and Half Marathon options will still be available!

Safety Harbor, FL – October 16 – 17, 2021
The 5k, 10k, Challenges, and Half Marathon options will still be available during this 2 day event!

Need a little extra incentive to register early?! Use code MEGROTH to save 10% off ANY distance at ANY LOCATION!

*Disclosure: I am an ambassador for Best Damn Race and have the opportunity to run races for free. As always, all thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.