Lately I find myself starting off conversations with “Because I don’t already have ENOUGH on my plate… .” This new endeavor definitely falls into that category. Last month my bestie, the owner of Cupping Cakes, and I were talking about the lack of super awesome LOCAL baking supply shops. She was working on an order for an upcoming wedding and was having the worst time finding what she needed. We got to talking about all the things we would carry if we had a shop. Then the lightbulb went off. We SHOULD have a shop!
Right now we don’t have the time or the means to have a real store, so we decided that an online store was the best place to start. We could feel out the market and find out what was missing and what people really wanted. Then when it got around to opening that shop we would know what we were doing (at least a little bit). And that is how “Baking Is Our Jam” was born.
Baking Is Our Jam is your one stop shop for all the fun and unique baking supplies that you might be looking for. Right now we are in the “building” process and trying to find out what our customers are looking for. So what are you looking for?
Currently we just have a few basic things, but once we get thing going we will be adding more and more. We’ll have every cupcake wrapper/liner you could ever need or want. We’ll have fun, and functional, packaging. We’ll have decorations galore – sprinkles, sugars, toppers, and even some vintage and one of a kind items. We will even have coordinating party supplies!
With the holidays coming up we know we’ll be getting a lot of business for all those holiday parties, so definitely let us know if you have any special requests. We will do what we can to help you out.
*And now we return to our regularly scheduled programming*