So how did my first week of 6 goals in 6 weeks go? Well, I thought I’d run through my goals and give a little run down of where I am. I feel like I did pretty good this week.
1. Less soda – I cut down to 48 oz or less during the week and even less on the weekend. I think on Saturday and Sunday I kept it below 24 oz. Since the bulk of my soda drinking seems to be during the week I just need to not bring it with me to work. If I don’t have any soda I can’t drink any soda. Right?
2. Exercise/Run at least 3 times per week – I did it! I ran 3 times this week! On Monday & ThursdayI went to the Gym – I ran and rode the bike and on Saturday I ran at the park. Hooray!
3. Lose 6 pounds – I lost about a pound this week. I probably could have done better, but I spent time out with friends this week and that meant eating a bit more than I should have. But I still kept to the food schedule during the week which was great. So. Much. Salad!
4. Go to yoga once a week – I went to Yoga for Runners! It was great but also reminded me how important it is to keep this up. By the end of the next day I was pretty sore. Hopefully by the end of these 6 weeks I will be feeling good again.
5. Only eat out twice a week – It ended up being three, but that is still pretty great for me. My plan was tacos from Tijuana Flats on Tuesday and dinner out with friends Saturday night. I did those, but I also ended up having brunch out yesterday since I had a friend staying with me. I had a couple of big salads this week and made some pretty tasty chicken tacos!
6. Drink at least 72 oz of water a day – I drank at least 100 oz of water everyday this week. How awesome is that? The more water I drank the less likely I was to drink soda. I even got some flavored carbonated water for those times where I just needed something other than plain flat water.
So overall I’m pretty happy with how things went during my first week. So what do I need to change for week 2? Well I would like to up my mileage with running. I’ve been breaking in my new shoes so I didn’t want to push it, but now its time to start getting down to business. I’d also like to try and eat even better this coming week.
Bring on week #2!!