4 Simple Goals for 2011

Back in August I posted about my 4 Simple Goals. I’d like to continute this for 2011. I went back and forth about whether or not I should/could just roll over the ones I didn’t finish, or finish completely. So finally I decided that since I have to drop one all together (I accomplished it – woo hoo!), I could roll over the others but only if I altered them in some way. So here are my 4 Simple Goals for 2011!

Run a 1/2 Marathon! This is 2010’s Simple Goal of “Stay Healthy!” I am signed up to run the Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon on February 27, but I worry about whether or not I’ll actually be able to pull it off. If I do, then I’m all set with this goal. If not… I’ve got another 10 months to tackle it 🙂

Visit A New Place! I decided to drop the “by myself” for this year. I would love to visit a new place by myself, but thats hard and expensive. So I’ll just shoot for somewhere new this year. Any suggestions?

Cook once a week! I know this sounds like nothing at all, but it really is for me. I bake, or fix dinner, but I don’t really cook meals. So that will be the goal for this year. Maybe I’ll just have to start inviting my mom and grandpa over so that I HAVE to cook. Any easy/simple/fast recipes are welcome.

Plan more parties! Really?! Yes, really. I love planning parties. It’s something I enjoy and I must admit, something I am good at. So I want to do more of it. Parties for friends, parties for family, parties for myself. I all ready have an idea for the first party I want to throw in the new year. Plus I have a few others up my sleeve related to a certain someone’s upcoming wedding. One of these days I’ll get to do this for a living 🙂

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