So I realized today that I have a LOOOOONG way to go with my “300 miles in 2011” goal. Wanna know how far?
Miles so far in 2011: 81.75
Miles left to get to 300 in 2011: 218.25
I have about 16.2 miles of that covered with 2 races that I know I’m going to do. Which means other than those two races, I still would need to run about 14.5 miles EVERY WEEK until the end of the year. Could I swing this? Sure I could. Do I think I could swing this? HAHA HAHA HA HA HAHA. Can you hear me laughing? Cause I still am. HA. HA. Okay, I think I’m done now.
Yeah, I’m not sure I can do 14.5 miles a week until the end of the year. Will I try? Damn right I’ll try. Maybe I need to think of a reward for if I actually get to 300 miles in 2011. Any ideas?
Carb dinner? New running shoes? Some kinda new running/music gismo? A cupcake?
I thought it said CRAB dinner… I think I like Crab dinner more than Carb dinner. And Cupcakes are ALWAYS on the reward list 🙂