Thrifty Thursday: Date Night

Since I don’t have a guy to take me out on dates right now, I have to go on dates with my girlfriends. This week a friend and I decided to catch a movie we hadn’t seen at the cheapy movie theater. Since we were going cheap with our entertainment, we decided to go cheap with dinner too. Tuesday night we had dinner and a movie for…

$7.35 per person!

How you ask? Well let me tell you.

First we went to Tijuana Flats for Taco Tuesdaze. Each Tuesday you can get two (really big) tacos, chips, and a drink (with free refills) for $4.99. I always add a small side of salsa to mine, so it comes to $6.35 with tax. You can’t barely even get a value meal at McDonald’s for that.

For our movie, we went to the Picture Show. They show recently out of the theater movies for just $1.75 per ticket. It is great for seeing movies  that either you missed the first time, weren’t willing to spend the money on because it might suck, or just weren’t willing to spend $10+ a ticket to see (this is usually my problem). As if $1.75 per ticket wasn’t a good enough price, on Tuesdays you can get a ticket for just $1. This week we decided to check out Mirror Mirror – super cute and pretty silly. Definitely worth the price of admission!

So, for the low price of just $7.35 we were able to get dinner AND a movie. Sounds like a great Tuesday night ritual to me!

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