So how did week 4 go? Well, it all depends on how you look at it.
1. Read 6 books – I’ve still only finished 2. I’ve carried book #3 around with me all week and just didn’t get around to reading it.
2. Complete 6 week 1/2 marathon training plan – So I only ran 2 times today, but one of those times was a 5k race when I maintained my 1/2 marathon pace for the whole time. So in my mind that was a win. Plus I was volunteering at the Fit 2 Run booth before the race (and after) AND the race was a part of Pride Week. It was a really fun day.
3. Only eat out twice a week – I actually only ate out 3 times, so I guess that isn’t TOO bad. What pushed me over the limit was the fact that I went to the Food & Wine Festival at Epcot on Thursday with my friend Andrea. SO many yummy things to eat.
4. Lose 6 pounds – Still holding at 3 pounds down!
5. Only consume dairy once a week – Ha ha ha. Do you really think I could go to the Food and Wine Festival and NOT eat cheese? I had a whole plate of nothing BUT cheese 🙂
6. Call my grandma every week – I did talk to my grandma this week. She is sick and I needed to call and check on her. Even when she isn’t feeling well she is always asking about how everyone else is doing, even the dog. She is such an amazing lady.
I kinda freaked out while writing this because it made me realize that my next 1/2 marathon is less than 2 weeks away. How did that happen? The time is just FLYING by lately. I feel more prepared than I did 4 weeks ago, but not as prepared as I’d like to feel at this point. I’ve decided to rearrange my schedule a bit so that I can make sure to get all my run in this week. I’ll be out of town Saturday for the Gator game and not getting home until really late, so I have to move things around a bit.
How did you do with your personal goals this past week?